I love how two friends can spend months and months apart and still be able to talk like it was the first day of their friendship! I just got off the phone with my beautiful, hilarious, adventurous and amazing friend, Jen, who has been living in Sudan these past nine months. She and another woman, Liz, are teaching and starting a school for children which someday will become a self-sufficient organization run by local people. So tonight, we were able to actually speak on the phone (which I have learned is such a blessing) because she is in the states for about ten days. Oh how nice that conversation was, it was as if she had never left the U.S. and as if we were still giggly freshman and sophomores at the University of Minnesota! (Okay, so we’re still giggly girls, we can’t help it!) I am constantly amazed by how the Lord blesses friendships even when people are so far away from each other.
One of my other good friends, Gillian, once equated friendships that are rooted in Christ to an old, oak tree. She stated that when looking at an ancient oak tree there are many, many branches that span and have new branches that sprout every year. But they all run back into a sturdy trunk that has a root system hundreds of feet wide and hundreds of feet long. And that is how friendships, which are rooted in something so much sturdier and solid than any thing earthly, last when rooted in the Lord. No matter how far or how wide the distance is between friends, we all have the amazing, beautiful connection of the Lord; and that is what counts! We may be in different places and be growing in different directions yet we always come back to the Lord, and he is our eternal bond. When speaking to Jen tonight, tears of joy were brought to my eyes because I was reminded of this connection. A blessing that can only come from the Lord and His amazing, unfathomable, unstoppable and unending love! And that is a love that lasts and brings friends together in any point of their life.
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