We are "with child", expecting a wee one in the middle of October. (For those of you not catching onto the hints, WE'RE PREGNANT.)
Ahhhh...... Scary! We will soon be parents and responsible for a little person, it's own individual being in this crazy world. Our wee one has come as a surprise last month as we weren't planning on having a baby until 2010/2011. But to our chagrin, we were able to create a being this year! (I am excited to be having a baby in the year that our first black president was sworn into office, that's pretty sweet.)
Also part of the surprise was that we found out we were pregnant and then two hours late Joel was laid off from his job. Yes you read that right (and yes you can laugh) he was laid off. It all came rolling in like a ball of bricks but we believe that it was all meant to happen in the same day. We are excited that Yahweh has seen us fit and worthy to be parents to someone created in His image. It's powerful. We know and trust that the Lord works for the good of those who love and are faithful to him and we know he will provide for our new family.
Generosity has already started flowing towards us and it is amazing. I find it is hard to accept help from others because of my pride and a deluded idea of self-sufficiency. But people we have in our lives are so generous, someone has already given us a brand new crib (never used) plus baby clothes and maternity clothes for me! Also, a vacation home in South Carolina for free so we can have one more vacation just the two of us. (Though technically we'll be three as I am carrying a child.) All in a time when we need to be extra careful with our money. I am floored by the generosity and am very humbled by the kindness of friends and strangers.
Even though this pregnancy was not "planned" it is wanted and loved beyond measure. It's weird to love something you haven't already met and that is the size of a blueberry in my belly but I love it and can't wait to hear it's heartbeat and feel it move.
Please pray for us, that we will first and foremost trust Yahweh and his goodness. That we will be patient and loving towards each other as we process this big change in our lives. Pray that the Lord would provide a good, enjoyable job for Joel before October and if not, that we will trust he has a job for him later in the year.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs