Wednesday, August 22, 2007
In God's Country....
When U2 wrote the song "In God's Country" they must have just gotten off of a trip in some sort of wilderness; (okay so I don't know much about the song, but the title works well for this entry) well that's my theory at least! This past weekend Joel and I were able to escape the world of Madison and wedding planning by going on a little vacation with my friend Jen and her boyfriend Daniel. The four of us adventurers headed up to the Boundary Waters last week for four days; and it was a much needed escape. It was wonderful to be up in the Northwoods again, see my Sawbill friends and to relax under the stars. It had been two years (to the date, to be exact) since I had been in the BW and it was so good to be back! And the bonus was to spend time with Jen, she's my friend who's been rockin' the bush in Sudan for the past 18 months. The weather was perfect, the blueberries in season and Joel caught the biggest fish he's ever caught! So following are pictures, they just don't do it justice, but they can give you a glimpse of the beauty in God's country.

Monday, June 25, 2007
"Please Stop..."
Did you every have a day where you actually, literally said....
“Please stop yelling at me, just stop yelling at me; I’m trying to help you.”
I said that statement at least three times today to two different patients. That sums up my day today; not the best one in the world of healthcare. But on a lighter note, one of my co-workers is throwing Joel and I a BBQ to celebrate our engagement and he sent out a very funny invite today; which made me laugh.
“Please stop yelling at me, just stop yelling at me; I’m trying to help you.”
I said that statement at least three times today to two different patients. That sums up my day today; not the best one in the world of healthcare. But on a lighter note, one of my co-workers is throwing Joel and I a BBQ to celebrate our engagement and he sent out a very funny invite today; which made me laugh.
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Challenge...

As Joel has stated in his blog; he loves challenges and adventures. Ever so often he likes to bring me along for the ride and needless to say my life has been a little more exciting since being with him. (I supposed marriage is one of the bigger adventures that we go on in our lives!) With that being said, what I will write next probably won’t come as too much of surprise. So the other night (okay, so it was like a month ago) Joel proposed a challenge for the both of us to consider. What does it entail you ask? Well let me tell ya!
The challenge: For the entirety of the summer and fall (possibly winter, but I haven’t agreed fully to that yet) we are not allowed to drive solely to the grocery store. So no “Just a quick run to the grocery store” if I need one item to complete my amazing eight course meal. I either have to use what I have or I have to bike to the grocery store. Also a caveat of the challenge is that the time spent at the grocery store cannot be the main chunk of time in my day (i.e. I can’t go to the grocery store and do all my grocery shopping and then stop quickly at the pharmacy to pick up shampoo). Lastly, we should try and bike AS MUCH AS WE CAN to the store and use the car only for those big stock up shopping trips.
So I bet you’re asking “so what’s allowed?” Well here are some examples, I can stop and do all my grocery shopping on my way home from work because the majority of my day is spent at work and I will just be driving home, no extra car trips necessary! Or we can stop at the store on our way home from church. Of course riding your bike or walking is allowed and also very encouraged!
Now the question becomes, “what’s the purpose or the point?” Well, that’s pretty simple. We should be more intentional in our lives, we need to think more critically about how we spend our time. Preparation is is key, we have to think intentionally and critically about what we need for groceries. For me, that means planning ahead by looking at my fridge/cupboards and writing a grocery list; which reduces those "impulse buys". (Though I've never really had a problem with "impulse buys" due to my mom's steadfast rule of one "fun" item per shopping trip.) Also, it helps save resources as we aren’t using more gas than we need to go to the store. Also it makes us use WHAT we have and not let it sit in our cupboards or fridges, going bad because we got something else. Also, we both live within a mile of multiple grocery stores that will easily fill our bellies. Lastly, the more you bike to the grocery store the less feasible it is to buy ice cream and beer (though I’ll never give those two things up!)
So we’ve been trying this out (being fully committed) for about 3 weeks and I really like it! Last night as we were biking back to my house it was so simple to stop by Trader Joe’s and pick up our ingredients for dinner, and I enjoyed it! If any of you are challenge junkies or even if you’re not (like me!) I would suggest picking up this idea. You’ll be surprised at how easy and fun it can be!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Wanna go on an adventure?
So for those of you I have not talked to in awhile or email in awhile; I am sorry that I have not talked/emailed sooner but I gotta post this! :) So I have some exciting news......
Joel and I are getting married! Heeheeheee! :)
So it all happened on Friday, March 30th, 2007 and it was a totalsuprise. So Joel and I had plans (so I thought) to go eat at this amazing irish pub on capital square. So when he showed up on Friday decked out in his rain gear (it was treatening rain) I was pretty confused.
"Ready to go on an adventure?"
How could I resist; so after throwing on some rain gear we proceeded outside and low and behold........ there was a canoe in the yard! So we walked it over to Lake Wingra (right accross from my house) and put 'er in. After being the only ones to be paddling around we eventually paddled up a creek to an overlook in the arboretum. After carefully getting out of the canoe (I am glad that I'm a Boundary Waters girl; there was some tricky footings!) we went up to a stone bench and sat down.
And then began the romance, Joel started out by telling me how much he loved me and how he loves to choose to love me each day. Then before I knewn it, there he was, on his knees and saying the words
"I want to choose to love you everyday for the rest of our lives. Will
you marry me?"
My response.......
"Of course, of course, of course! Yes I will marry you!"
And with that Joel slipped the ring (a very beautiful ring!) on my finger. The best part about the ring...he had the word "choose" engraved in the band; because we have talking alot lately about how you have to choose to love someone. It takes work and commitment and you have to make the choice to love someone everyday; in good and bad.
After I was able to stop giggling for about 30 seconds, Joel took me to Quivey's Grove (an amazing restaurant) and he had reserved a private room for just the two of us to enjoy. After an amazing dinner we went to Cub foods to get some chocolate and then rode the dump truck ride for $0.50. Now that's a way to celebrate! :)
We wanted to share with all of you our news and we hope that you are all doing well; all over the world (we've realized, we have a good amount of international friends)! Thanks in advance for your support!
Joel and I are getting married! Heeheeheee! :)
So it all happened on Friday, March 30th, 2007 and it was a totalsuprise. So Joel and I had plans (so I thought) to go eat at this amazing irish pub on capital square. So when he showed up on Friday decked out in his rain gear (it was treatening rain) I was pretty confused.
"Ready to go on an adventure?"
How could I resist; so after throwing on some rain gear we proceeded outside and low and behold........ there was a canoe in the yard! So we walked it over to Lake Wingra (right accross from my house) and put 'er in. After being the only ones to be paddling around we eventually paddled up a creek to an overlook in the arboretum. After carefully getting out of the canoe (I am glad that I'm a Boundary Waters girl; there was some tricky footings!) we went up to a stone bench and sat down.
And then began the romance, Joel started out by telling me how much he loved me and how he loves to choose to love me each day. Then before I knewn it, there he was, on his knees and saying the words
"I want to choose to love you everyday for the rest of our lives. Will
you marry me?"
My response.......
"Of course, of course, of course! Yes I will marry you!"
And with that Joel slipped the ring (a very beautiful ring!) on my finger. The best part about the ring...he had the word "choose" engraved in the band; because we have talking alot lately about how you have to choose to love someone. It takes work and commitment and you have to make the choice to love someone everyday; in good and bad.
After I was able to stop giggling for about 30 seconds, Joel took me to Quivey's Grove (an amazing restaurant) and he had reserved a private room for just the two of us to enjoy. After an amazing dinner we went to Cub foods to get some chocolate and then rode the dump truck ride for $0.50. Now that's a way to celebrate! :)
We wanted to share with all of you our news and we hope that you are all doing well; all over the world (we've realized, we have a good amount of international friends)! Thanks in advance for your support!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Who's Got Control?
Ahhhhh.... what a question. I don't know if it is just my nature or being a woman or being a fallen human but I love control; and I want it. My mom was recently here from India (Yeah!) and one morning before I left for work we got into the topic of how most of the world's religions salvation are based on human control. My mom pointed out that when looking at the world's religions most, if not all, are based on man's works and man's control for salvation. It almost goes like this:
"Here is a list of acts and prayers you can do to be saved; now go. You have control of when and where you do these acts; you have the control." The center of that relationship is Man not God; and it is centered on man having control of his journey of salvation.
But when you look at Christianity it is the only one in which the core belief and salvation comes not from man and what man can do but from God. There is nothing that I can possibly do perfectly for true salvation. I must admit and acknowledge my own sin and let God have control. Only He can save, only He can redeem.
"Look at the fall of Adam and Eve." My mom said. "Original sin occured because of Adam and Eve's desire to have control over their lives and over the Garden of Eden."
I soon realized that so much of my sin, well let's be honest ALL, comes from my desire to have control. It seems like I've learned this lesson over and over in my life but it still is present. What is it about that need for control? And why is it so hard to give it up?
But there is such freedom and peace when we give up that control, may we let go and truly be free.
"Here is a list of acts and prayers you can do to be saved; now go. You have control of when and where you do these acts; you have the control." The center of that relationship is Man not God; and it is centered on man having control of his journey of salvation.
But when you look at Christianity it is the only one in which the core belief and salvation comes not from man and what man can do but from God. There is nothing that I can possibly do perfectly for true salvation. I must admit and acknowledge my own sin and let God have control. Only He can save, only He can redeem.
"Look at the fall of Adam and Eve." My mom said. "Original sin occured because of Adam and Eve's desire to have control over their lives and over the Garden of Eden."
I soon realized that so much of my sin, well let's be honest ALL, comes from my desire to have control. It seems like I've learned this lesson over and over in my life but it still is present. What is it about that need for control? And why is it so hard to give it up?
But there is such freedom and peace when we give up that control, may we let go and truly be free.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Dot, Dot, Dot (...)
So this is an entry that is dedicated to Joel. The other night Joel made an observation that I tend to title my blogs with trailing dots. My explanation was that I feel my blog writing begins with a single thought that flows (like a creek leading into a river) into an entry. So here's to you, Joel. Dot, Dot, Dot.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Big Questions....
Middle School students get a bad rep; sadly they get written off as not being able to think critically about life or God. I am continually learning that this is not true and there are gems of knowledge in those heads of theirs. So, I help co-lead a 7th grade girl bible study with two other women and we see that this reputation is not quite true. A few weeks ago our lifegroup curriculum asked our girls to take all that they have been learning this year and to think critically about the concept “Love God. Love People. Period.” The point of this exercise was for the students to think of questions that relate to this theme and then we as a group would think of the answers. We had each girl write down two questions; one of which could be a “silly” question. We collected our note cards and what followed was an amazing list of questions that are relevant not only to teens but to adults as well. So I thought I would list some of the questions for you to ponder how you would respond.
My friends aren’t as religious as I am, they don’t go to church as often and they say their church is boring. How can I help them with that?
Why do people say mean things to others for no reason?
How can I not gossip? Or change the subject?
What other way besides praying can we connect with God on a daily basis?
How can I find a way to make the bible more interesting?
Does God really care about the way we dress?
Is it wrong to have boyfriends at our age?
Is it okay not to talk to people that you don’t like? (like if they are mean)
Why do what brand of clothes you where define who you are?
Why do people start rumors?
Look at these questions; I struggle and ask these same questions in my life. I wish there was a tape recorder that night so that you could hear the answers to their own questions. It was good to hear how they struggle as they are growing up in a world that tells them to live the opposite of how God calls us to live. It is amazing to see these girls grow into young women who really think about God and try and live Him out in their lives.
As we were wrapping up the night our lifegroup came up with a challenge for ourselves; which was to go a whole day without complaining. (Note: this was one of the students ideas, I can’t say I was too excited about the challenge. It’s hard not to complain!) So we as a lifegroup decided Monday was the day; no complaining for the whole day. And on Thursday we made sure to check and see how well we each did at this task.
So this is a testament to the reality that Middle Schoolers are complicated and beautiful. They can think and process the world in such a wonderful way that we lose as we get older. May we all approach the throne of God as children; with childlike faith.
My friends aren’t as religious as I am, they don’t go to church as often and they say their church is boring. How can I help them with that?
Why do people say mean things to others for no reason?
How can I not gossip? Or change the subject?
What other way besides praying can we connect with God on a daily basis?
How can I find a way to make the bible more interesting?
Does God really care about the way we dress?
Is it wrong to have boyfriends at our age?
Is it okay not to talk to people that you don’t like? (like if they are mean)
Why do what brand of clothes you where define who you are?
Why do people start rumors?
Look at these questions; I struggle and ask these same questions in my life. I wish there was a tape recorder that night so that you could hear the answers to their own questions. It was good to hear how they struggle as they are growing up in a world that tells them to live the opposite of how God calls us to live. It is amazing to see these girls grow into young women who really think about God and try and live Him out in their lives.
As we were wrapping up the night our lifegroup came up with a challenge for ourselves; which was to go a whole day without complaining. (Note: this was one of the students ideas, I can’t say I was too excited about the challenge. It’s hard not to complain!) So we as a lifegroup decided Monday was the day; no complaining for the whole day. And on Thursday we made sure to check and see how well we each did at this task.
So this is a testament to the reality that Middle Schoolers are complicated and beautiful. They can think and process the world in such a wonderful way that we lose as we get older. May we all approach the throne of God as children; with childlike faith.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
True Love....
This weekend Joel and I attended a wedding of one of my old college roommates. It was a beautiful and simple wedding and you could tell that this was love. I hate to say it but it was one of the first weddings I’ve gone to where the bride didn’t seem tense and was completely at peace. She looked content, relaxed and full of joy. As I watched Heather say her vows; it seemed as if there was no doubt and no fear. It was peace. I thought that was an amazing sight; there was no rush, no worry over the reception or if the music was just right. She was content and that was good.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Snow Day...
“It's coming down
Snow lays on the chainfields There's a blessing on the ground
It's coming down,
If your lanes are crammed with children There's a blessing on your town.
On a lucky Monday, Mrs. Braintree All your lanes are waxen silver And the stores are loot for vagabonds It's coming down Go home! Go home and take a snow day, Mrs. Braintree! Mrs. Braintree, you're a chilly northern woman Go home from yonder bus stop Because there's a blessing on the ground Mrs. Braintree, it is written When the snows come over Dixie All the roads are closed and the stores are loot for vagabonds.”
Trip Shakespeare “Snow Day”
So from Sunday night through Monday evening we officially received around 6 inches of beautiful, white, sparkling snow! I was reminded how fun it is to spend almost a whole day playing in fresh soft powder that seems to soften the fall as one gets ready to make a sweet snow angel. Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. I was given the gift of having Monday off to relax. And what better way to relax than to enjoy six inches of new snow than to play around outside. Joel and I found ourselves giggling (do men giggle? okay probably not, so I giggled and he laughed) and getting in snowball fights at Indian Lake County Park right outside of Madison. It was one of the best and one of the most relaxing days; and I certainly needed it after my previous work week! So grab your snowshoes, head outside and then enjoy some hot cocoa!
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